I am happy to introduce to you the Emmanuel Baptist Church family. We are from Kings Mountain and surrounding areas and have a variety of backgrounds and experiences, yet we have a common love for God, the Bible, and each other. Time and time again, those who visit Emmanuel are met by friendly people who are enthusiastic about spiritual matters.
In a day when many churches are rejecting traditional beliefs and values, Emmanuel stands unique. In fact, the more we stay the same, the more different we become! Many “contemporary” churches minimize preaching, often substituting drama, videos, and other types of entertainment for the old-fashioned preaching of the Word of God. At Emmanuel, we see things differently. We are told in I Corinthians 1:18 that, “The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” Therefore, preaching is the central issue at Emmanuel.
The godly, Christ-honoring music at Emmanuel “sets the table” for preaching, but it cannot replace preaching. Believing that the Bible is designed to address the practical issues of life, we trust the Bible to do its work in the lives of all who attend our services. Thus, the preaching style that is most often utilized is the expository method. The people who are faithful in attendance can hear books of the Bible taught and preached from beginning to end. This will greatly increase their knowledge of God and His Word. There is a legitimate place for topical preaching, when done with thorough preparation, but we believe that the “main diet” ought to be expository preaching. I invite you to come and give us a try!
Pastor Jim Ogle