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02/14/2015 - 1:Debunking Marriage Myths
02/14/2015 - 2:Living with Ladies
02/14/2015 - 3:Managing Macho
6.03---42043---PM---Sharing the Gospel to the World IV---Jim Ogle---15---Acts 18---Gospel Presentation---Part 4
6.02---42043---AM---Dogs and Pigs---Jim Ogle---37---Matthew 7.6---Kingdom Living---Part 28
5.02---42036---AM---Dont Judge Me---Jim Ogle---40---Matthew 7.1-5---Kingdom Living---Part 27
5.03---42036---PM---Sharing the Gospel to the World - Prt3---Jim Ogle---44---Acts 17---Gospel Presentation---Part 3
4.02---42029---AM---John 3.16---Jim Ogle---40---John 3.16---Kingdom Living---Part 26
4.03---42029---PM---Sharing the Gospel to the World - Prt2---Jim Ogle---44---Acts---Gospel Presentation---Part 2
3.02---42022---AM---What are you Worried About---Jim Ogle---41---Matthew 6.25-34---Kingdom Living---Part 25