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20.3 2013-12-05 PM---Harmony in the Home---Jim Ogle---36mins---Topical
2013-05-08 WED---Lessons From Gethsemane---Chris Lowe---28mins---Matt 26:36-46

Sermon From Luke

May 8, 2013
2013-05-08 WED---Sermon From Luke---Guest Speaker---51mins---Luke 16
2013-05-05 AM---How Do We Treat Each Other?---Jim Ogle---34mins---I Thes 5.12-15---Thessalonians---Part 15
2013-04-28 AM---A Thief Announced---Jim Ogle---42mins---I Thes 5:1-11---Thessalonians---Part 14

A Stirred-Up City

April 28, 2013
2013-04-28 PM---A Stirred Up City---Matt Starin---20mins---Acts 4
2013-04-21 AM---He is Coming---Jim Ogle---39mins---I Thes 4.13-18---Thessalonians---Part 13

He is Coming

April 21, 2013
2013-21-04 AM---He is Coming---Jim Ogle---39mins---I Thes 4.13-18---Thessalonians---Part 13
2013-14-14 AM---The Power to do the Impossible---Jim Ogle---39mins---I Thes 4.8-12---Thessalonians---Part 12

Let Us Labor

April 14, 2013
2013-14-14-PM - Let Us Labor-Kevin Marshman 28 Hebrews 4.mp3